The Libertarian Party of Georgia, Inc. is a political organization that has as its primary objective the extension of individual human freedom.
To that end the Party affirms the following principles:
That each individual possesses the inalienable right to life, liberty, and to justly acquired property.
That no person or institution, public or private, has the right to use physical force against another except in the defense of life, liberty, or justly acquired property.
That all individuals are entitled to choose their own life styles as long as they do not forcibly impose their values on others.
That the only moral basis of politics is the preservation and protection of human rights.
That the voluntary exchange of goods and services is fundamental to any socioeconomic system which provides for the harmonious integration of divergent value systems. In recognition of the fact that the initiation of force by government has been the chief instrument for the expropriation of individual rights and freedom, the Libertarian Party enters the political arena for the avowed purpose of eliminating the intervention of government in moral, social, and economic affairs.