Fulfilled by our friends at Schiffer Publishing
For marine, boating, and climbing amateurs and professionals at all levels, splices—the strongest way of attaching or joining the end of a rope—are essential. Why? Because a splice gives the strongest way of attaching or joining the end of a rope to any object or to another rope. (Every knot, on the other hand, weakens a rope.) In this much-anticipated handbook, world-renowned expert Friedl guides you through modern splicing techniques with his clear directions, one-of-a-kind color diagrams, and 200+ color photos. The book is supplemented by four-plus hours of excellent video instruction. Throughout, every type of splice is shown by an expert climber and shipbuilder. Learn what to know before starting to splice, then build a solid understanding and competence of modern cordage, its construction, and its fiber materials. Friedl has over 35 years of sailing experience, including several Atlantic crossings, and is also a professional climber. He teaches seminars and workshops on modern splicing worldwide, and in 2006, Friedl made the modern soft shackle internationally known. Now, his much-anticipated book allows you, whether you are a hobbyist or a professional, to leverage splicing skills to become more self-reliant while making your maritime or climbing pursuits safer. [AuthorName]Egmont M. Friedl[/AuthorName][AuthorBio]Egmont M. Friedl is an expert on splicing, ropes, and rigging and holds a professional license for the 200-ton Yachtmaster. He teaches seminars on splicing worldwide and has worked in boatbuilding in California, Maryland, England, Italy, and Germany. www.emf-marine.com[/AuthorBio][NumIllustration]368 photos & diagrams[/NumIllustration][CoAuthor][/CoAuthor][SubTitle]Shown Step by Step[/SubTitle][ColorPattern]368 photos & diagrams[/ColorPattern]