MIRA Safety DETEHIT CWD-3 Detection Strips help you identify dangerous concentrations of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and insecticides in the air, in water, in food, or on hard surfaces. These strips are designed to identify two of the deadliest groups of CWAs—G agents (sarin, soman, tabun) and V agents (VX Gas). These strips are ideal for detecting whether it’s safe to remove CBRN gear after exposure to CWA threats. Professionals worldwide use DETEHIT detection strips for both military and civilian applications.
Like a canary in a coal mine, DETEHIT detection strips are designed to provide you with a clear early warning whether your environment is safe or not.
Each plastic testing strip contains a white cotton cloth reaction zone with immobilized cholinesterase, a paper zone with chromogen substrate, and yellow cotton cloth as the color standard.
Once you remove the strip from its protective foil, it immediately begins to react with the air to indicate whether CWAs are present.
These strips are ideal for checking PPE post-decontamination, to ensure that your suit is completely free of CWA threats that may be lethal if you remove your gear.
While these strips won’t distinguish between different types of deadly CWAs, they can give you insight into concentration of CWA threats.
If the strip reacts within the first 2–3 minutes, the tested air, water, or food is contaminated. If the strip reacts 5–15 minutes after exposure, concentrations have become low enough that it’s safe to remove your PPE (note: ALWAYS decontaminate before removing PPE like gas masks or hazmat suits).
If the testing strip is exposed to food or drinking water and takes 15–30 minutes to react, it’s safe to eat/drink. This is a unique advantage of DETEHIT strips, making them a highly reliable tool for testing your food and water for CWAs or pesticides.
Technical Data
Sensitivity (at 20°C) in air mg/l Exposition 2 min
Operation Temperature:
-4 °C - 104 °F (below 0°C an antifreeze liquid is needed)
Buffer of pH 2-3, or 50% water solution of methanol
Each strip is sealed in foil, with five strips in a block. Ten strips and instructions are in a sealed plastic tube.
MIRA Safety DETEHIT CWD-3 Detection Strips come in a sealed polyethylene tube and should be stored in their original packaging in a cool, dark and dry place at temperatures ranging from -40°C to +40°C (-40°F to +104°F). DETEHIT strips can be stored at temperatures up to 60°C for up to one month. Use in subfreezing temperatures may require supplemental antifreeze liquid.